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TITLE Building Site.jpg. QuoteFast is the easiest most powerful estimating software for the building industry. QuoteFast is a family business established in 1984 to help give buiders back to their families. This page gives builders the answers to many FAQ s in a question and answers format.
FAQ SPINNER_edited.jpg gives frequently asked questions
LogOnSupport in the QuoteFast program is free for all builders to get support from the program designer or programmer.
Video Brick takes the builder to a page where they can watch multiple videos about the software making it easier and faster to quote their jobs.
Home page fro QuoteFast gives the builder access to all the different features in the software including Error protection, live prices download, Combos, ToolBox Tools, Get Rid of Tyrekickers software, Sketchit and more.
ContactUs Brick allows builders to contact the QuoteFast office for more information on this fast and easy estimating software for the building industry.
AboutUs Brick tells the builder about us
Referrals Brick.jpg gives the builder a selection of referrals from past client builders.
PRICING BUTTON.jpg gives the pricing details of the software as well as a comparison between renting and buying the software.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q & A

1) Is the support free for the life of the program.  Yes, you will be helped by either Paul (a building estimator for over 30 years and designer of the program) or by Garry our programmer who also speaks "builder."    

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2) Will the program work on Mac computers?   Yes, GTX and GTX Turbo will work on any computer that runs full Windows programs. Mac computers need a small program called Parallel Desktops so that any Windows software will run. Tablets such as iPads that don't run Windows can't run GTX or GTX Turbo. EG: Samsung Galaxy.

3) Will the program connect to my accounting program?   Yes, QuoteFast GTX and GTX Turbo have been designed to produce a spreadsheet of all the items in a job, so it can be imported into major accounting software. We've set it up this way so you are not locked into any accounts software in case you decide to change to a new one.

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4) Where do the prices in Live Prices Download come from?   The Live Material Prices come from a variety of major suppliers and are then generated into a database that QuoteFast GTX Turbo can read. As the suppliers update their price files, we update our database ready for you to download. There are several ways built into GTX Turbo so each builder can adjust the prices ( if necessary ) because of where they operate.

5) What sort of computer do I need to run QuoteFast ?   Pretty much any modern computer or laptop can easily run QuoteFast GTX and GTX Turbo. Ideally it should have an i5 or i7 chip, 16 Gb of RAM memory and an SSD ( solid state drive ). Whatever you might be buying, make sure that it runs full Windows software. iPADS and Samsung tablets do not run Windows programs.

6) Does QuoteFast GTX cost renovations work?   Yes, as you'll see from the videos on this website, there are several sections specifically designed to cost renovations, particularly as Paul, the program's designer, owned and operated his own additions and renovations estimating company for over 30 years.

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7) Do you rent your software per month?   No, as you will see detailed in the PRICING page on this website, renting per month is  FAR MORE EXPENSIVE  than buying. When you buy software, you OWN IT FOR LIFE. Renting per month means you are forced into renting every month, every year at an overall much higher price than QuoteFast and will stop, (locking up your client and price files), until you start paying again.  

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8) Is QuoteFast GTX cloud based ?   About 15 years ago even before "cloud" was the buzz word, we asked our builders did they want GTX to be cloud based. The resounding response was NO. Builders wanted to have the security of knowing their business data was safe in their own computer, not sitting on someone else's server. In addition, builders told us that on some of their building sites the internet was slow or even non-existent when they wanted to work on client's files during the day, so cloud based software was useless in these situations....and nothing's changed !

9) Does QuoteFast GTX print a quotebook for my client?   Yes, GTX prints a very detailed, yet easy to read quotebook for your clients. It is a Word based document that GTX fills in for you. It details everything you've quoted and want the client to see. You can decide what you want them to see. GTX will even print individual quote books with your Company Logo when clients want jobs done in stages. GTX Turbo will even add notes at the click of a button to protect you from ..... "misunderstandings"..... by clients.

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Request a free demo trial of the QuoteFast estimating and quoting software.
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