Using the powerful GTX TURBO engine, will cost Newbuilds & Additions and Renovations to a high 95+% accurate ballpark estimate in record time, allowing you to spend more time with genuine "Now" buyers.
This house was costed to 96% accuracy in 20 MINUTES with
then fine tuned in GTX for a firm 100% accurate
quote when the client
was happy with
the initial estimate.
Seeing is believing !!!
I'm sure we've all had to give quotes to those we affectionately call "Tyrekickers". Those clients who are just fishing or have no idea on the real cost of building. More often than not they can simply be a waste of time. GRT uses the exact same Turbo engine and prices as the full blown GTX program, but enables you to enter the items and quantities at least 4 x faster. If the client does accept the Budget Estimate and asks for a full firm quote, then all you need do is to fine tune it in the Costed Items screen. You DO NOT need to re-do the entire quote as all the prices and formulae are the same in GRT as in GTX.