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TITLE Building Site.jpg. QuoteFast is the easiest most powerful estimating software for the building industry. QuoteFast is a family business established in 1984 to help give buiders back to their families. This page show builders why quotefast is so different from all other estimating software on the market. It show why quotefast is not boring to look at and how it helps them to do their quotes when they are tired by clicking on colored pictures to quote their jobs. QuoteFast costs big jobs as well as small jobs.
Road 2.jpg

The easiest most powerful estimating software for the building industry.

LogOnSupport in the QuoteFast program is free for all builders to get support from the program designer or programmer.
Video Brick takes the builder to a page where they can watch multiple videos about the software making it easier and faster to quote their jobs.
Home page fro QuoteFast gives the builder access to all the different features in the software including Error protection, live prices download, Combos, ToolBox Tools, Get Rid of Tyrekickers software, Sketchit and more.
ContactUs Brick allows builders to contact the QuoteFast office for more information on this fast and easy estimating software for the building industry.
AboutUs Brick tells the builder about us
Referrals Brick.jpg gives the builder a selection of referrals from past client builders.
PRICING BUTTON.jpg gives the pricing details of the software as well as a comparison between renting and buying the software.
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LOOK SO DIFFERENT_edited.jpg This image show builders in a short video why quotefast is so different from all other estimating software on the market. It show why quotefast is not boring to look at and how it helps them to do their quotes when they are tired by clicking on colored pictures to quote their jobs. QuoteFast costs big jobs as well as small jobs.

....Because we didn't want it to be BORING !

When it's 11 o'clock at night, and you've worked all day
STILL at it, what would you rather do ?

or  This ? 

We don't see our building sites as lines and columns.....our eyes see them as moving pictures.

We don't see Excavators, Trusses, Bricks and Concrete as  "blue and grey line entries".....we see them in Colour.

When you're tired and have sore eyes from being on site all day ....the last thing you want is tiny font on tiny buttons.

One of the main reasons builders generally don't like quoting is because it's as boring as
"watching paint dry".

If we don't like something, we keep putting it off.... and so our quotes are often late, making for unhappy clients right

from the start.

QuoteFast GTX makes quoting interesting as well as fast, accurate and easy.




Click on a Picture and Trace....or search through endless lines and columns !

FOOTER.jpg gives builders back to their families.
request a demo_edited.jpg requests a free demo of the software.
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