Hi, I'm Paul Moir the designer of the QuoteFast program and CEO.
Our mission is to
"Give Builders back to their Families"and we do this by giving them a very fast, very easy estimating program based on my 30 years experience in estimating, to get their quotes done much faster and more accurately than how they were doing them before.
On our Home page we asked you the question:
"Do you REALLY want to cost jobs the way you are now .....
for the rest of your building life?
We guess you answered NO and that's why you're here and it's why we're here to help .... particularly if you don't like computers and would much prefer to just click on pictures of what you know and enjoy to do the costings for you ..... because you're a builder not a computer geek...right !
So many thanks for requesting a Free Demo or Training. We're here to help.
God bless,
PS: There was a time when I was in the same position.
Enjoying my work, but desperate for time.